4 apps for small businesses you can’t live without

Running any business is difficult, but if you’re an owner of a small business you most likely feel like you have a thousand tasks all the time – after all, you don’t have dozens of staff to take care of things, so oftentimes daily operations, payroll, hiring and virtually everything else ends up on your to-do list. The good news is that you don’t have to feel overwhelmed anymore – there are hundreds of great business organization apps that can help you improve your productivity, time management skills, communication with employees and clients and more.

Evernote – the best app to improve your productivity

Evernote is an amazing app that allows you to keep all the information you need in one convenient location. You can add notes, photos, videos, audio, tables, contacts, to-do lists and virtually everything else to this app, tagging the newly added content for easy searching later on.

Toggl – one of the best small business apps for time management and tracking

If you want to have an accurate account of where you spend your time, check out Toggl. This app allows you to track every minute of your time, which is perfect for freelancers who need to account for every billable second. Plus, the app allows you to add several clients or employees to the same account, view your time usage using graphs and even automatically create timesheets.

Basecamp – the best project management app for small businesses

If you want to streamline communication with your employees and spend less time on discussing tasks with your team, consider using Basecamp. This app allows you to create different projects, add collaborators to teams, communicate with these teams, send files, track your team’s project on each project and add checklists for you and your team. This app isn’t free, but it’s totally worth it considering all the time you will save.

Stride – one of the easiest business communication apps to use

When it comes to communication in a company, you absolutely need to have a quick and reliable way to communicate with your employees. Slack is one of the most popular apps to use for businesses, but it can be a bit complicated to get a hang of if you’ve never used this app before. Try using Stride instead – it’s a bit more user-friendly, plus, this app is cheaper than Slack and there’s even a free version. With Stride you get conversations organized into different rooms, easy file sharing and conversation searching.


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